"California Poppies 2"
14" x 11"
on canvas
framed or unframed
date completed: 11/29/2019
catalog #0165
"California Poppies 2"
I love California Poppies and have done several other pieces before this. (Blue and Orange, 1 and 2,) . In preparing for a Paint Party, I chose to do these flowers on 14" x 11" canvas in acrylic paint.
Made a sample for class, as well as painting along with my students. I don't like having an unfinished work, so I resolved to complete the second version at home.
I was not totally satisfied with the work I created in front of people, so when it came time to add finishing touches, I ended up changing the composition, to the point that I liked the duplicate better than any of the others that came before it.