"Las Palmas"
16" x 20"
canvas panel
framed or unframed
date completed: 8/5/2020
catalog # 0183
"Las Palmas"
I found a calendar at local thrift store that I frequent, I loved the photograph on the cover, the purples, the sunset colors, the palm trees silhouetted against the sky. I took a picture with my cell phone so I could remember the image. I didn't buy the calendar. I didn't even look through the pages. Who knows, I may have found twelve more equally beautiful and inspiring subjects.
During the 2020 pandemic, I spent my time finishing paintings that were started at various times. One project had me pulling out three beach/tropical island compositions. The one I painted this over, looked similar in the sky, just not painted very well. The ocean was a deep, dark blue, with a light area of purple and pink, close to the center. The original had palm trees in purple. Only one appeared on my canvas panel. I did paint sky over the tree, but the paint underneath was too dark, so I made it an addition on the left, even though the sample photograph didn't have one.
Using acrylic paints after July Fourth in California, becomes a challenge because of how quickly the paints dry. In this particular case, that characteristic became an asset to blending the sky. I put in the colors, following the calendar cover. When the paint started drying, in about three strokes, I kept on brushing, using what is called "dry brush" technique. I always worn my students not to spend too much time working the brush, as that can result in brush marks and lifting paint off the canvas. I am always amazed when I remember to use this method, that it blends acrylics very well. I have seen my teacher scrubbing the canvas with his paint brush and achieve a very soft blended sky.
The water of my sample subject looked misty and out-of focus, presumably due to the movement of the water. I liked that appearance, so I used iridescent white paint along the edge, and where the sand would be wet and in the water as ripples or foam. I really love the way this painting turned out.
The name "Las Palmas" came to me from a line in the song "Guantanamera": "Yo soy un hombre sincero, de donde crece las palmas".
Entered in Special Theme category competition at Hemet Valley Art Association gallery, "Las Palmas" won firtst place., June 2021. This was a "special" award for me, being the first time in this category, as well as competing against some of the excellent, long time artists.
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