"The Ideal Spot"
20" x 16"
date completed: 7/11/2020
catalog # 0182
"The Ideal Spot"
"The Ideal Spot", a 20” x 16” acrylic on canvas started out as the paint-along picture for one of my Paint Parties at the local community center. As typically happens, the canvas I demonstrated on did not get finished, so it sat in my studio.
During the Corona Virus 19 pandemic, I pulled out several beach/ocean/tropical island scenes previously started. This composition was mostly developed, needing only a change in the foreground.
There was something I didn’t want in the left hand corner, that I painted over with burnt umber, to be a rock. As I was finishing areas that were acceptable and reworking the composition, the rock expanded to the edge of the canvas. The right side then needed a smaller image.
My concept at this point was a rocky outcropping or cliff the viewer climbs over, to view an isolated beach with palm trees growing to the water’s edge and lushly covering land jutting out in the distance. A perfect spot. Irridescent paint was used for sunlight glistening on moist sand.
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