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"Gazanias 2"

"Gazanias 2"


16" x 20"



available framed or unframed

date completed:  9/15/2014

catalog # 0079

  • "Three Gazanias 2"

         This composition followed the sample used for my Paint Party class, painting cataloged 0073.  To show students my technique, I painted on canvas in class.  The second version turned out better than the first and contains the addition of a lady bug on one of the flowers.

         The placement of the insect was chosen using the Golden Mean, or what is also known as the Divine Ratio.  I had been studying that compositional format and decided to use it. The bright red lady bug is in the “eye of the focal area” also corresponding to the perpendicular to the diagonal. This spot is one of four that naturally draws our attention.

         I had a lady tell me when she played poker at a local community center, where my painting hung in a two month show, she sat and stared at it, and in particular, the lady bug.  I felt that was very good confirmation the Golden Mean method really works.  What I want in my artwork is for people to be compelled to look at it and want to keep looking at it.

  • Return and Shipping policies

         All sales are final.   Every precaution will be taken to protect artwork during shipping.  In the event product gets damaged in transport, send photo of damaged goods.  Cost of goods will be refunded.

         Please provide physical location address where carrier companies are able to deliver.  Order tracking number will be provided.

Meadow With a View  of Big Bear Mountain.



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